Homemade Cheddar Cheese
- 4 kg raw milk
- 1 tablespoon of salt
- Half a glass of yogurt
- Half a glass of rennet
Put the milk in a deep pot and boil it over low heat to pasteurize it.
Take another pot and fill it halfway with water. After removing the boiling milk pot from the stove, place it in the pot filled with water. Wait for it to cool.
When the milk in the pot becomes warm, add the yogurt. After adding rennet to it, mix it.
Cover the mixture and let it ferment for 1-2 hours.
Return the pot of fermented milk to the stove and mix it with a wire whisk until the cheese forms small lumps.
When the cheese grains reach an elastic structure, collect them from the edge of the pot and put the collected cheese into the strainer.
Squeeze the cheese in the strainer with a wooden spoon and place it on a clean cheesecloth.
Strain the excess water by gently squeezing the cheesecloth and cover the cheeses. Leave it like this for 1 night.
The next day, grind the molded cheeses in a food processor and crush them into small pieces.
Fill a pot with warm water, add the cheese and boil it.
As the water boils, the cheese will begin to melt. Place the melted pieces on the counter and shape them by folding them several times.
Don't forget to add salt to the cheese while shaping.
Put the shaped cheeses back into the water and cook for 1 more minute.
Then take the cheeses out on the counter and let them cool.
After cooling, put the cheese in the refrigerator and let it rest for 1 day.
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