Shrimp Keto Chips

  • Sesame (1 Tea Cup)
  • Garlic (1 Clove)
  • Chia Seed (3 Tablespoons)
  • Onion (1 Piece)
  • Shrimp (200 Grams)
  • Mascarpone Cheese (100 Grams)

After grinding the sesame and chia, let's put all the ingredients in the food processor and run the robot.

It might be a little sticky dough, don't worry. Let's heat the oven to 160 degrees. Let's put the dough on a baking tray on baking paper.

Let's put another baking paper on the dough so that it does not stick to our hands and spread the dough with our hands on the tray as thin as we want.

Then I put it in the oven. After 15 minutes, let's take the tray out of the oven and cut it the way we want. Let's put it back in the oven and set the temperature to 140 and cook until the top is golden. Remove from the oven and serve chilled.


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